středa 30. září 2009
2008 / Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny 4-5
Tématem dvojčísla 4-5 Sešitu pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny za rok 2008 je odkaz umělecko-politického hnutí Situacionistická internacionála (1957-1972) a jeho relevance pro dnešek. Tématu se dotýká jeden primární a tři sekundární texty (z nich jeden původní a dva překlady). Další obsah čísla tvoří články (čtyři původní a tři přeložené), které dál rozvádějí některé motivy související s tématem (problematika reprezentace, intervence do každodennosti, politická angažovanost umění), a to jednak v kontextu reflexe umění a každodenního života v reálném socialismu, jednak v rámci kritiky některých projevů současného českého umění.
K dostání například v galerii Tranzit - Display
neděle 27. září 2009
Raoul Vaneigem - The Revolution of Everyday Life
Traité de savoir-vivre ? l'usage des jeunes générations, 1967
pátek 25. září 2009
AK Press
David Graeber / Direct Action: An Ethnography
pátek 18. září 2009
New Old Cold War. Post Socialist Countries Experience
International exhibition project organized within the frames of 3rd Moscow Biennale. The main theme of the project is the phenomenon of the Cold War.
CURATORS: Yulia Aksenova, Karolina Nowak
ARCHITECT: Maria Kalinina
25.09 - 25.10.2009
Opening: 25.09.2009, 8 p.m.
Collection of essays by Slavoj Zizek
Are we in a war Do we have an enemy
Illusions of Purity in Bergeois Society
Lacans Use of mathematical science
Revolution At The Gates
Stavrakakis Politics and Religion
Zizek And The Colonial Model of Religion
Zizek and the Postpolitical
Art as a Symptom
From politics to Biopolitics and back
Zizek on Deleuze and Lacan
The Rhetorics of Power
Stanislav Holubec: Svět podle Žižka
K českému čtenáři se dostává již čtvrtá práce od slovinského filosofa Slavoje Žižka. Výbor jeho textů Podkova nade dveřmi (vvp avu, Praha, 2008) následuje po jeho knihách Nepolapitelný subjekt (Marek, 2007), Mluvil tu někdo o totalitarismu (Tranzit, 2007) a Humanismus nestačí (Filosofia, 2008). Vedle toho vyšel minulý rok i úvod do Žižkova myšlení od Tony Meyerse (Slavoj Žižek, Svoboda, 2008). Asi nejznámější filosof současnosti navštívil na podzim roku 2007 Prahu a proslovil zde přednášku nazvanou Podkova nade dveřmi, která se stala součástí právě vydané knihy se stejným názvem. Na rozdíl od předchozích knih se v tomto případě jedná o výbor textů určených pro širší veřejnost, který se čte snadněji než Žižkovy předchozí práce.
Immanuel Wallerstein: U.S. Internal Politics and its Military Interventions
In the last few weeks, there has been a marked increase of calls, coming from both liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans, for some kind of early "exit strategy" from
Nothing is certain, but the general expectation is that Obama will agree to this. After all, during the elections, Obama had said that he considered
středa 16. září 2009
Slavoj Zizek / In Defense of Lost Causes
Is global emancipation a lost cause? Are universal values outdated relics of an earlier age? In this combative major new work, philosophical sharpshooter Slavoj Zizek takes on the reigning ideology with a plea that we should re-appropriate several “lost causes,” and looks for the kernel of truth in the “totalitarian” politics of the past. Examining Heidegger’s seduction by fascism and Foucault’s flirtation with the Iranian Revolution, he suggests that these were the “right steps in the wrong direction.”
Highlighting the revolutionary terror of Robespierre, Mao and the Bolsheviks, Zizek argues that while these struggles ended in historic failure and monstrosity, this is not the entire story. There was, in fact, a redemptive moment that gets lost in the outright liberal-democratic rejection of revolutionary authoritarianism and the valorization of soft, consensual, decentralized politics. Zizek claims that, particularly in light of the forthcoming ecological crisis, we should reinvent revolutionary terror and the dictatorship of the proletariat in the struggle for universal emancipation. We need to courageously accept the return to this cause —even if we court the risk of a catastrophic disaster. In the words of Samuel Beckett, “Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
Alain Badiou - Pocket Pantheon: Figures of Postwar Philosophy
A journey through twentieth-century philosophy with the titan of French thought
In this accessible work, France’s leading radical thinker takes his readers on an incisive journey through twentieth-century philosophy. On the way he pays homage to great thinkers who have influenced him, whether as teachers, allies or opponents: from Althusser, Lacan and Sartre to Deleuze, Derrida and Foucault. Although Pocket Pantheon is at times critical, Badiou defends both his subjects and their work by setting them against the contemporary landscape of pop philosophers and media commentators.
Nakladatelství VERSO
Žižek, Slavoj / Mao Ce-tung
"Komunismus není láska. Komunismus je kladivo, kterým rozdrtíme nepřítele."
AntiRATZINGER - Protipapežský pamflet, Anonym
středa 9. září 2009
Mat Whitecross & Michael Winterbottom - The Shock Doctrine (2009)
Naomi Klein has disowned Michael Winterbottom's forthcoming screen adaptation of her bestselling book, The Shock Doctrine, by asking to be removed from the credits of the documentary after serious differences arose between her and the British director.
úterý 8. září 2009
Alain Badiou on BBC HARDtalk
24 March 2009
pátek 4. září 2009
čtvrtek 3. září 2009
Steven Fischler - Anarchism in America (1983)
"Anarchism in America:"As directed by Steven Fischler and Joel Sucher, the film touches quite a few bases. It presents newsreel footage of key figures in the history of American anarchism, among them Sacco and Vanzetti, and Emma Goldman. ("What is your opinion of Italy?" a reporter asks her. "Beautiful country minus Mussolini," she snaps in reply.) And there are contemporary interviews with figures including Mollie Steimer, Emma Goldman's girlhood friend, and the poet Kenneth Rexroth, who reads his Sacco and Vanzetti poem. There is also some discussion of what the film makers take to be anarchism's practical applications, such as food co-ops and town meetings.
Karl Hess, formerly a Newsweek writer and speechwriter for Barry Goldwater, discusses his evolution from Republican to anarchist. And the writer and teacher Murray Bookchin gives an exceptionally articulate description of his own ideological development. He explains why he finds anarchism more all-embracing than Marxism, because he believes it addresses "not just classes but hierarchy." Anarchism can be broadly applied, he says, to forms of domination "which may not have any economic meaning at all."—New York Times
Roy Wallace - The Day the Country Died
A surge of popular interest in anarchism occurred during the 1970s in the UK following the birth of punk rock. However, while the early punk scene appropriated anarchist imagery mainly for its shock value, the band Crass expounded serious anarchist and pacifist ideas, and went on to become a notable influence in the burgeoning Anarcho-Punk movement. Many anarcho-punks are supporters of issues such as animal rights, feminism, the anti-war movement, the antiglobalization movement, and many other social movements.
The story of the movement is told by some of the most influential performers, including; Penny Rimbaud (Crass), Colin Jerwood (Conflict), Colin & Kevin (Flux of Pink Indians) Dick Lucas (Subhumans), Zillah Minx (Rubella Ballet), Gary Buckley (Dirt), Steve Lake (Zounds), Mark Wallis (Liberty), Gee Vaucher (Crass), Dave Hyndman (Hit Parade), Rob Millar (Amebix), Rodney Relax (Alternative), Stringy & Snout (Erratics) and Gerard Evans (Flowers in the Dustbin). The interview footage is laced with both audio and visual music performance, some extremely rare, from the main performers on the scene including - Crass / Conflict / Subhumans / Liberty / Toxic Waste / Chumbawamba / Sacrilege / Inner Terrestrials & many more.
středa 2. září 2009
Vytírání v Číně - Milan Kohout
Letos je tomu dvacet let od čínskou vládou násilně potlačeného prodemokratického protestního shromáždění na Tiananmenském náměstí v Pekingu, při kterém bylo zabito kolem dvou tisíc demonstrantů (odhady se zde různí , usuzuje se, že bylo zabito čtyři sta až šest tisíc civilistů).
Domnívám se, že současná čínská vláda musí ukončit zarputilé mlčení ohledně masakru a přistoupit na veřejnou diskuzi o této "krvavé skvrně nedávné historie", při níž by se konečně "vytřela krev" z dlažby náměstí Nebeského klidu.
Proto jsem jako kurátor desátého Open International Performance Art festivalu v Pekingu minulý týden vzal kýbl a mop a přišel na ono náměstí, abych začal vytírat dlažbu (musel jsem jako všichni návštěvníci náměstí projít rentgenem stejným jako při odbavování na letišti).
Po pěti minutách mé vytírání ukončil čínský policista a přikázal mi opustit náměstí.
Immanuel Wallerstein - The Firestorm Ahead
There is a firestorm ahead in the Middle East for which neither the U.S. government nor the U.S. public is prepared. They seem scarcely aware how close it is on the horizon or how ferocious it will be. The U.S. government (and therefore almost inevitably the U.S. public) is deluding itself massively about its capacity to handle the situation in terms of its stated objectives. The storm will go from Iraq to Afghanistan to Pakistan to Israel/Palestine, and in the classic expression "it will spread like wildfire."
Let us start with Iraq. The United States has signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with Iraq, which went into effect on July 1. It provided for turning over internal security to the Iraqi government and, in theory, essentially restricting U.S. forces to their bases and to some limited role in training Iraqi troops. Some of the wording of this agreement is ambiguous. Deliberately so, since that was the only way both sides would sign it.